
Built at PennApps XXIII along with Gabby Banaag, Julian Weng, and Klára Churá, Feta answers the question, “Where can I find free food?” as quickly as possible.

Originally designed to reduce food waste, Feta allows anyone with free food (like at a club or an event) to post a photo and a brief description. Then, anyone looking for free food can browse the map at their location and pinpoint the food closest to them.

Feta offers a plethora of other features too, like automatic AI labelling of food, web notifications, and crowdsourced ratings, but that’s for you to discover.

We used Convex for our backend because it offered an effortless real-time database with our Next.js frontend (but also because it was a major sponsor of PennApps and gave us quite the T-shirts!) We ended up winning their award for best use of Convex:

Find fresh, free food facilitated fully from Feta today, or look at the Devpost.