![The BetterSchoology logo.](https://github.com/anli5005/BetterSchoology/blob/master/BetterSchoology/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-MacOS-256x256@1x.png?raw=true)
Let’s face it: Schoology sucks.
BetterSchoology turns Schoology into an enjoyable, Mac-like experience (at least, as enjoyable as it can be.) It isn’t ready for wider distribution, but you can check it out at the GitHub repository. If you’re a BCA student, you can even try out the latest version (0.8.2) here!
![A screenshot of BetterSchoology.](https://wp.anli.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/betterschoology-screenshot-1024x523.png)
BetterSchoology is written extensively with SwiftUI.